The Art of Conversation

The Art of Conversation

“He is fluent in all languages, including three that he only speaks.”

The Most Interesting Man in the World

Friends, family, colleagues. So many different people. So many different roles. It feels overwhelming how to approach each.

A powerful solution exists.

Building rapport is a rare example of a universal formula speaking to a universal truth.

Everyone’s favorite subject: themselves.

The most interesting person in the room is the one asking thoughtful questions, finding out what is important to others, using that information to ask more thoughtful questions, and has a natural curiosity about who this person is.

Most in a conversation drone on about themselves, unconsciously seeking to impress.

Do not do this.

You do not ask yes or no questions, which shut a conversation down immediately. You ask open-ended questions that invite discussion.

Commit this to memory:

The most interesting person in the room is the one most interested in others.

Discover them. They will feel more connected with you; more understood—their individuality truly appreciated. Magnetic rapport is established.

Words are common. Everyone can actively speak.

It is the rare conversationalist who actively listens.

You are now one of them.

Mark Joseph Huckabee