Black Panther: The Power of Purpose

A story is often underwhelming when over-hyped. We are disappointed not due to the story itself—but rather due to the expectations that insist we’ll be spellbound.

Enter Black Panther.


This film is a love letter to all of us. Art is power—capable of inducing change, and capable of creating awareness where ignorance exists. Race, gender, ethics, equality, social responsibility, the demons we create, the demons we become—all are addressed here. Black Panther is an important film well deserving of its hype, with powerful themes affecting a global audience. 

You must see this film—it is the crown jewel of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and merits full immersion. The purpose of this film isn’t to entertain you. The purpose is to challenge you. Black Panther delivers on its bold promise.


The leadership lesson is this.

It’s not what you sell—it’s your organization’s purpose that matters. Black Panther doesn’t succeed because of surface-level factors—it succeeds because of powerful themes and a critical message—its purpose. The film speaks to the very best within us.

The product or service you provide isn’t an end unto itself. Your competition can likely do what you do at a superficial level; a global economy has flattened the market. The best leadership organizations identify the need they meet, and make serving that need their purpose. Purpose transcends products. Purpose transcends technology. Purpose is the grand vision of what you bring to the table; your unique voice in a saturated field.

Studies show a millennial shift towards brand meaning over brand offering. Tap into this. Companies such as Better World Books and People Water donate on a per-purchase basis; Amazon offers a unique approach through its AmazonSmile program—a donation of proceeds going directly to a charity of the purchaser’s choice. Through these brands, consumers are empowered to make a difference.

Show me an organization committed to my cause, sharing my values, changing the nature of their offering to the mutual gain of a shared higher purpose, and I will show you brand loyalty. You aren’t fighting for your cause alone, dear client. We are fighting alongside you.

The sets, scenery, and action sequences of Black Panther are typical fare from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They are not what makes Black Panther transcend the action film genre. It’s the purpose of the underlying story that resonates so powerfully—just as it is your purpose that will determine your success or failure.

Forget products. What does your brand mean?

Define your organization’s purpose; Pursue that purpose relentlessly.

Mark Joseph Huckabee


“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”

Carl Jung