Deadpool: Make it Personal

A simple litmus test: if the first Deadpool was for you, so is Deadpool 2.

High expectations are satisfied. For those offended by violence or unaffected by humor, don’t bother. For the rest: see it.


The Deadpool franchise is lauded as a refreshing alternative to the standard format of other Marvel films. And rightfully so—the R-rating is well deserved and an appropriate warning for those expecting anything less.

As much fun as the premise indicates, there is a stronger reason Deadpool stands out among its Marvel contemporaries.

Measuring the stakes; a contrast of opposites:

Standard Marvel movie?

Saving a city. Saving a planet. Saving the galaxy.

Over and over we’ve seen this tired formula, knowing before the movie starts our heroes will ultimately succeed.

The potential loss of all humanity is, counter-intuitively, highly impersonal.

When the stakes are everything everywhere, we’re numb to the possible consequences.

Enter Deadpool 2.

Like its predecessor, this movie resonates far beyond standard action films. The reason is simple, and very powerful—instead of universal consequences, the stakes are highly personal.

Dwell on this a moment.

The spine of the first Deadpool is revenge and redemption against an antagonist who, though powerful, does not hold the “fate of the universe” in his hands.

In Deadpool 2, the stakes are the heart and soul of a young mutant driven by revenge. No army of CGI villains—one pitted against another.

This makes the story far more relatable—and far more personal.

The stakes of both films are reflected in our own lives—we’ve experienced these emotions and fought personal battles as well. We see part of ourselves in the struggles of our protagonist.  

The leadership lesson is this.

There is no one-size-fits all in a modern economy driven by Influencer Marketing.

This is marketing and relationship building with a highly personal touch; social media and social approval among respected peers and industry influencers.

Traditional methods (television, billboards, full-page advertisements, etc.) are bland. They’re boring. They’re impersonal, forgettable; exhausted in their effectiveness. We have quit noticing them, or caring to.

Looking to raise the stakes with your clients and prospects? Make it personal.

Tailor your initiative to the subsets of your audience—and the individuals within.

Meeting in person matters. A handwritten thank you note matters. Connecting with individuals on social media matters. It’s the leader with the open door policy. Each personal touch creates a powerful connection with your organization. Loyalty follows.

Apply this principle to your gift giving. A thoughtful, hand-written letter will have far more meaning to the recipient than forty dollars in scented candles shipped direct from Amazon.

Make it personal.

Raise the stakes of your initiative by digging deeper—not broader. And do it now. Capture their hearts and minds.

They will stay with you forever.   

Mark Joseph Huckabee