Karl Marx & The Sex Pistols

Below: professional kryptonite.

Sex. Politics. Religion.

Do not discuss this Holy Trinity at work.

Or the hotel bar after a conference. By the water cooler. In the parking lot. Over the phone, by email, directly, indirectly—none of this, in ANY form, ever.

Sex. Politics. Religion.

Each are defining issues to everyone. Each a pillar of one’s self identity.

Whether you perceive it or not, you will alienate others.

You do not have to recognize their discomfort. The person nodding politely during your diatribe is often the most offended.

Emails last forever. Relationships go south. Some colleagues leave. Some colleagues sue. Welcome to the digital age—everything stays on record.

Sex. Politics. Religion.

Keep your private beliefs private. Keep your professional relationships professional.

There are no exceptions.

Mark Joseph Huckabee