Dreamers, Doers, & the Difference

Dreamers, Doers, & the Difference
We just don’t recognize life’s most significant moments while they’re happening. Back then I thought, “Well, there’ll be other days”. I didn’t realize that was the only day.
— Doctor Archibald Graham

What a wonderful film. Inspiring, sincere—timeless.


 Field of Dreams challenges the viewer to not only pursue their greatest aspirations—but to remain steadfast in doing so against all opposition.


Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner, is an Iowa corn farmer. While in the cornfields he hears a transcendent voice, challenging him to build a baseball diamond. This vision requires sacrificing critically profitable farm space to fulfill. With the support of his family, Ray builds the baseball diamond. As a result, the farm runs bankrupt. In spite of a generous purchase offer, Ray and his family carry on.

They will see their vision through with complete faith and unwavering determination.



Hey, Dad… you wanna have a catch?”


We, as Ray and his family, learn what the baseball diamond is about—second chances for those who have sacrificed a dream for another calling. First summoned is “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, a disgraced baseball player from the 1919 Black Sox— a team embroiled in a game-throwing scandal.


Writer Terence Mann, Family practitioner Doc Graham, and Ray’s beloved Father also answer the call—each finding the courage to face the aspirations they’ve abandoned.


 As does Ray.


 As do we.

Above: Baseball or medicine: Doctor “Moonlight” Graham makes his decision.

“Son, if I'd only gotten to be a doctor for five minutes... now that would have been a tragedy”.

Dreamers, Doers, & The Difference



Lofty aspirations we aspire to. We talk about them—even obsess over them. They are our highest calling, and for the life truly lived, demand pursuit.


However, so many talk about their aspirations; a “later-in-life” goal; an action to initiate “when there’s time”.


These are dreamers.


Dreamers can speak endlessly about the result they want. But how to get there? Not certain.


Doers also speak about the result they want— but are as aware of the process of getting there as the end goal itself.


Dreamers are often oblivious to the process their goals demand. Unaware of the steps required; waiting to get started when life “gives them room” to do so.


You are not a dreamer. You are a doer.


This is your roadmap.

1.       What is my goal? (Dream)


2.       What are the steps to get there? (Process)


3.       What is needed to do so? (Resources)


Doers answer each of these questions with EQUAL EMPHASIS.

Doers have researched process with religious intensity. For doers, building the roadmap to success is an obsession. The destination is inevitable when the process is defined, each step understood, and the time/resources to do so are prioritized.

Doers understand the grandest dreams require the greatest investment. They plan their work—then get to it.


Dreamers can’t speak to process. Doers can. Doers know the steps. Doers know the step they are on. Doers know the next step coming, and how to get there. 


In a word: trajectory.


Dreamers talk, but progress is flat. Doers say far more through their actions—which, with relentless momentum, will collide with their ultimate goal.


Once more, the three stages.

Write each down:


1.       What is my goal? (Dream)


2.       What are the steps to get there? (Process)


3.       What is needed to do so? (Resources)

Answer as thoroughly as possible. Wikipedia; Youtube; LinkedIn—resources to learn the process are instantly accessible. Study them. Information once buried in a library, or with an expensive consultant, is now yours for the taking.

There has never been a time in human history where so much knowledge, so thoroughly laid out, instantly accessible, at no cost, has been available. It’s all there. Waiting for you.


Who has the success you aspire to?

Who’s blazed the trail? Contact them. Successful people love to share their story. Ask for their advice. Find one mentor, and you’re ready to start. Find four or five, and the path forward will be brilliantly defined. Network. Get yourself established. Put social media to work for you.


Prioritize time. You aren’t going to be a high-performing athlete if you aren’t training. You aren’t going to start a business if you aren’t learning. You aren’t going to be a writer unless you are writing.


Get up an hour early; your golden hour. Commit that hour to your goal without allowing any outside interference.


Not only does your golden hour establish you on the right trajectory, it energizes the rest of your day. It is invigorating. When the rest of the world is waking up, you’ve already invested an hour into your ultimate goal.

Each step is a win—celebrate all of them. You’ve earned it.


The destination doesn’t matter if you haven’t built the road.

No more “talk” about dreams.

We speak through actions.


We are doers—devoted to the process success demands


Your dream is just over the horizon. Waiting for you.

Go get it.


Mark Joseph Huckabee