Fearless: The Molotov Cocktail Strategy

Fearless: The Molotov Cocktail Strategy

In World War II, civilian soldiers need efficient means to neutralize enemy tanks. Standard methods: an opposing tank, or enormous cannonry. The threat must be met with equal—or superior—force.


There is, however, one exception.


Meet the Molotov Cocktail.

Comprised of common household items, the cocktail is no more than a glass bottle filled with alcohol and the means to ignite it. When thrown into a tank’s engine bay the ensuing fire stalls the motor or suffocates those within. A tank with an open hatch fares far worse—a well-placed Molotov Cocktail engulfs the crew in flames or, detonating non-fireproofed stores of ammunition, destroys tank and crew alike.



Never has warfare seen such a tremendous ROI in destructive power; a handful of common items capable of neutralizing engineering’s most lethal killing machine.


For the fearless civilian soldier, willing to assault a tank in close quarters, the impossible became possible: neutralizing the enemy’s most destructive force with little cost and no support. It is the fearlessness, tenacity, and bravery of these citizen soldiers we will emulate.

In every industry reside a number of upper-echelon targets which, if acquired, would change the game entirely. Identify yours now—and keep them at the forefront of your mind as we proceed. Many deem conquering these intimidating, entrenched challenges impossible.

Finance provides an excellent example, but these lessons are applicable in any context, whether you are a creative bringing a bold new idea to life or a parent seeking a better relationship with your difficult-to-reach teen. We will discuss the Molotov cocktail strategy in the context of sales, but setting an ambitious goal and investing in achieving it even when success seems uncertain are essential to achieve the outcomes you truly want—in any enterprise, in any setting.

There are two paths for a financial broker’s success: Focus exclusively on new clients from dollar one, along with the overwhelming time and attention necessary to do so, or hunt multi-million dollar marquee targets. The fearless, with one critical victory, will surpass what others take years to accomplish.

Only the bold claim the throne.

The broker’s paycheck doesn’t care about the time, energy, and effort required to earn an account—only the yield. The fearless don’t settle for slow, safe, and easy. The fearless are big game hunters.

The fearless continue to take advantage of low-hanging opportunities, while ceaselessly hunting premium targets. Every 6 to 8 weeks they make contact: a visit, an email, a phone call, product literature; a handwritten note. The fearless don’t approach victory with high hopes and optimistic feelings. They understand winning business is a process. It is an algorithm. High-quality touchpoints with religious consistency build critical rapport, and ultimately win the day.

Mediocre leaders fear “the big guys” won’t work with them, that they’re spoken for. There’s a timidity—an expectation of rejection. Why bother? One person cannot overcome a tank. Refuse this mindset. It is a poor excuse yielding poor results. Your goal: establishing galvanizing rapport with all premium targets, regardless of active selling opportunities. This requires fearless tenacity.

For the small business, the right account can ensure years of success. The savvy entrepreneur will acquire a monster client before launching, monetizing their business from day one. Momentum and energy ensue.

So many variables fluctuate in a vendor/client relationship. The fearless know though the hatch may not be open now, it will be.

A competitor’s entrenched position with your prospective account is not what it seems. Vendors make mistakes. Enough mistakes, and the client will seek other solutions. Professional relationships can dissolve; the trust broken. Offend the wrong person, and the client will seek other solutions. New leadership will want to price-check the market or disrupt the status quo, instructing management to identify alternatives and seek other solutions.

The hatch will open. It is only a matter of time. And who will the prospect call now? The fearless have maintained contact for years. Even when there was no active business opportunity, they’ve remained courteous and diligent. They are not just allowed in—they are invited in. They are welcomed with open arms.

The fearless know the “sale” happens on the eighth to tenth contact. The relationship must be earned over time; there is no other way. Then, when the competition are scrambling to build credibility, you are rightfully seated at the head of the table—an established advocate in a sea of newcomers.

Let mediocre competitors attack targets that are “good enough” and “more realistic.” They’re comfortable being comfortable. They live for immediate gain; to avoid rejection.

Not you.

The competition’s timidity fails against your tenacity. You are brave, and bold, and fearless.

You understand with a top-tier prospect, there is a world to gain and nothing to lose. Assess what you’re getting from them now. Less of nothing remains nothing. Exempt from the paradigm of risk/reward, there is no risk, and the greatest of rewards. A rare gift.

While others sit behind the lines, you storm from the trench. You light your Molotov cocktail. You are David conquering Goliath. The larger the target, the greater the reward. The grander the glory.

Victory at all costs. You are tenacious. You are relentless. You are fearless.

Mark Joseph Huckabee