Honoring our Veterans

Every Memorial Day, the American flag is raised full staff for a moment, then lowered to half. At noon the flag is raised fully once again. The half-staff position honors the brave souls lost in military service. The midday raising by we the living reaffirms our commitment to the principles for which they gave their lives.

How trivial our daily problems and challenges are by comparison.

Never forget the sacrifices that those around you have made for your organization and your community. You built your career from square one, and you should be proud. You also had the opportunity to do so because of others who have sacrificed to create a country and a world where you can thrive. It is only when we recognize the role others have played in our success that we become truly self-aware.

Thank our Veterans. Thank our Service Members. These heroes are all around us—adorned in caps and clothing honoring their service. Speak with them.

It is this simple… Thank you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Model this for your children; have them do the same. Let them meet the Heroes who stand for each of us; for all of us.

Their sacrifice lives forever if we never forget.

Mark Joseph Huckabee

“Honor to the soldiers and sailors everywhere, who bravely bear their country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.”

—Abraham Lincoln
