Predator: Honor the Unsung Heroes

The production proves horrendously challenging.


Arnold films in an unforgiving jungle. Temperatures are sweltering or freezing. Adjusting to the sloped terrain presents a constant, unbearable challenge—there is no real rest between takes. Logistics are a nightmare. Nothing is moved, executed, or accomplished with ease.


Arnold, for the final scene alone, spends three weeks caked in mud battling The Predator in stagnant, foul, freezing water. Ultimately, Schwarzenegger’s character Dutch emerges the hero.


Is Arnold the real hero of The Predator?


The answer is no.




You, like all cast and crew, suffer through months of impossible filming conditions. It’s a shared, mutual misery leaving none exempt.


However, on top of these challenges, you must perform in a two-hundred pound suit. It is hot, highly uncomfortable, worn for long hours and countless days. The suit is significantly unbalanced, demanding constant effort to maintain any stance.


You are unable to see out of the mask, requiring scenes be fully rehearsed before takes—and performed from memory with no sensory perception.


Meet Kevin Peter Hall



Kevin stands a towering 7’ 2”. He is a master of his craft—combining a degree in Theatrical Arts with professional experience in martial arts, basketball, and ballet. He is, in the purest form of the phrase, a-one-of-a-kind talent.


Honor The Unsung Hero


Is Arnold’s Dutch the hero of The Predator? On the surface—yes. But who, dear reader, is the real hero? Whose sacrifice exceeds all others?


Who gave the most—and is recognized the least?


The leadership lesson is this.


Honor your unsung heroes. Your assignment: right now—at this momentthink of those whose contribution isn’t under the spotlight. Who are critical contributors to what you and your organization accomplish, with little fanfare and tremendous vigilance.

This morning, or afternoon, or Monday are fast approaching. Thank these heroes. Take the time, make an effort, and voice your appreciation. It absolutely matters.


They have earned it. You owe it. And everyone wins when you do.  

Mark Joseph Huckabee

Dedicated to Kevin Peter Hall; May 9, 1955 – April 10, 1991.

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